Change the future of compounding pharmacy with us.


  1. October 10, 2024

    Compounding to the Rescue!


    Five Health Areas Where Compounded Medications Can Help

    Dr. Tara Thompson, PharmD., FAPC

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  2. October 18, 2023

    Itchy, Scratchy, and bad sleep

    Got patients with skin conditions? You might ask them how they’re sleeping. A new study found that itching and burning didn’t just keep people from falling asleep, it also reduced the quality of that sleep.

    ‘[P]atients with skin disease experienced a feeling of fatigue more often upon waking up; periods of drowsiness during the day; tingling sensations in the eyes; and repeated yawning.’

    So they might not realize the connection between being tired the next day and the fact that their skin condition is affecting them while they sleep.

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