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  1. October 04, 2023

    Three threats that may impede patient access to compounded medications

    If you prescribe compounded medications, you’ll want to be aware of current threats to patient access to those drugs. Here’s the skinny – and what you can do to push back against regulatory overreach, bad science, and general misinformation about compounded therapies.


    Compounded hormones: The threat continues

    Since announcing in 2020 that it would base its next steps on compounded hormones in part on 

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  2. October 31, 2022

    Compounders help take the *OUCH* out of procedures!

    Do you have a fear of needles or of the pain that comes with cosmetic, medical or dental procedures? You are not alone.

    For many patients, these fears can lead to anxiety and discomfort. But it doesn’t have to be this way: Application of topical skin numbing formulations before or in place of an injection can help relieve anxiety, minimize pain and improve your experience.

    Skin numbing formulations are topical anesthetics that block nerve signals in the body and decrease pain sensations. They are prescribed by your doctor and compounded by your local compounding pharmacy. Prior to a procedure, the compounded formulation can be easily applied directly to the area that needs to be numbed. Typically, they are applied in the office by a trained medical professional. Common procedures that topical numbing formulations can be utilized for include dental cleanings and cosmetic procedures such as hair removal, repeat infusions, tattoo removal, and laser treatments.

    Lidocaine is

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